So, since Irene came to NJ we lost power at our hotel and Billy and Daniel had the bright idea of having a random costume party, so we did just that. I went as Lady GAGA in the Telephone Music Video, complete with beer cans in my hair. Kind of embarrassing, but whatever. Daniel was a Mummy turned Indiana Jones, Erik Bragg was a surfer, Billy was a lifeguard, Sarah K was a cat, etc etc etc. Check the photos to see all the costumes and event stuff for yourself. Thrasher even posted photos from the costume party! haha
One more HUGE THANK YOU to Rob Dyrdek and Brian Atlas for having me as a part of this amazing year of events. I couldn't be happier and I feel very fortunate, lucky, and blessed.
Rob presenting Sean with his 2011 SL Awards and Check! (My homegirl Brooklyn on the right)
Rob, Sean and the Street League Dime Squad girls: Brookyln, Gemma and Jenn!
Chris Cole won every Monster Best Trick Contest at SL this year!

Live Production Team Group Photo!
Click READ MORE to see the rest of the photos!
Mandatory Wiggins Photo!!
Sarah K., Erik Bragg and Daniel Duarte - My bros for life!
Erik and Daniel - hangin' tough
Self Explanatory
Steve, Sean and Me - Saturday night after Sean won all that moneyyyy!
Paul, Michelle K (who RULES), Chaz and Brooklyn!
P Rod and Sheck Dog
Mike Mooooo, Steve and Malto - Bros!
Some serious arm wrestling matches went down. This is the only photo that I deemed appropriate. Craze hotel night! I think the staff couldn't wait to get rid of us!
I gave Billy corn-rows! He never looked better! ;)
On Sunday, while the power was out, we found one room where the lights worked in the hotel which was a staff room and turned it into a games and beer pong room we aptly named; The Lion's Den - This was a very fun day!
Here's part of the Costume Crew: Lifeguard, Wiz Khalifa, Ghost (in the back), Gaga, Mummy, Cat, and Surf Turkey
Costume Crew!
Mikey, Ryan and Mike Mo :)
Sarah the Cat and Me as a brunette Gaga
Mikey was given a bottle of champagne from Talisha because it was his birthday at midnight!
Woo Woo!
This Shane's costume was Shane O'Neil hahaha
Hammake - Nerd and Cannon - Surfer!!!
killer blog